The project is the building of a 20 cubic meter water tank in the Efah village. The catchment area is situated some 4km off the road on the foothills of Koano village just after Kugwe village. The Chief and people of Efah village having problem with adequate water supply in the village, needed a big reservoir to guarantee constant water supply. The initial cost of the project drawn up by the technician amounted to 4,406,000Frs equivalent to six thousand seven hundred euros.
John Mitchel and his team from Cork, Ireland visited Cameroon on the 22nd March 2016 to inaugurate a seven classroom primary school building complex sponsored by them. On crossing to Koana, he was met by a strong hospitality offered by the Chief and people of Efah Village which is equally hosting St John of God Health Centre annex. It should be recalled that the health centre is the fruit of our outreach programmes that was closely assisted by John Mitchel, St John of God Development Company and a host of other friends in Holland.
Seeing the hospitality of the Efah village people and their basic needs, John Mitchel promised to assist them.
Mr John Mitchel responding to the Community Welcome Speech
Excavation, foundation, framing and finished tank !
Whats remaining is the filtration chambers that will host the water and filter it before transporting to the tank through pipes.
The village people are very happy so far with the project. So far the tank is completed and plans are on the way to engage on the filtration chambers. When all is completed, it will greatly alleviate the problem of water in the village and also assist the health facility there.
Bro Linus Tangu
(Project Supervisor)